Equality and Diversity
Chambers is committed to equal opportunities in all aspects of its work.
All Barristers have committed to observe the Bar Council Code of Conduct in relation to non discrimination in the acceptance of work, the carrying out of that work and all dealing with clients, colleagues, staff and others.
Chambers is striving to ensure a diverse and inclusive culture and is keen for the make-up of its membership to reflect that culture. We therefore strongly encourage applications for pupillage and tenancy from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and disabled candidates and those from socially mobile backgrounds.
Diversity data: Summary
In accordance with the terms of the Bar Standards Board's Equality and Diversity Provisions of the Code of Conduct, Chambers is required to collect data from barristers and members of staff. The rules seek to provide transparency and to encourage diversity within the profession.
A summary of the data collected can be found below.
The data is a reflection of the responses received and relates to Apex Chambers. Responses, which are entirely voluntary, were collated and anonymised for reporting in January 2021.