Zoe Laugharne (Pupil Barrister)
Zoe began her Pupillage in September 2024 under the supervision of Hashim Salmman and will be accepting instructions from April 2025.
Zoe earned her LLB (Hons) from Cardiff University (2020-2023) before continuing her studies at Cardiff when commencing the BTC LLM (2023-2024). On the BTC Zoe ranked among the top-performing students in several Advocacy modules, including Trial Advocacy 1 and Conferencing.
During her final year of undergraduate education, Zoe worked as a legal assistant at a local criminal defence firm, specialising in Criminal and Prison Law.
General crime
Regulatory law
Member of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple
Criminal Bar Association
Jules Thorn Scholarship - Honourable Society of the Middle Temple
Blackstone Entrance Exhibition Award - Honourable Society of the Middle Temple
For any enquiries, please contact the clerking team:
Email: clerks@apexchambers.net
Phone: 02920 23 2032